Catherine Collinson's Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging's Hearing, “Closing the Gap: Innovations to Promote Americans’ Financial Security” 

Catherine Collinson, president of Transamerica Institute and TCRS, was invited to share TCRS' research findings on employers, workers and retirees before the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging’s hearing titled, “Closing the Gap: Innovations to Promote Americans’ Retirement Security.” The hearing will take place June 15, 2016 at 2:30 EDT.

Links and Downloadable Materials:

Catherine Collinson's Full Testimony
US Senate Special Committee on Aging's Website
“Closing the Gap: Innovations to Promote Americans’ Retirement Security” Hearing Page
Hearing video - coming June 15

TCRS Research Supporting the Testimony:

The Current State of 401(k)s: The Employer's Perspective
Retirement Throughout the Ages: Expectations and Preparations of American Workers
The Current State of Retirement: Pre-Retiree Expectations and Retiree Realities